
The Benefits of Pet Cremation: Honoring Your Furry Friend’s Memory


Losing a beloved pet is one of the most difficult experiences for any pet owner. Your furry friend holds a special place in your heart and becomes an integral part of your family. When they pass away, it can be devastating and overwhelming to think about what to do next. While traditional burial may seem like the only option, pet cremation is becoming increasingly popular among pet owners. Not only does it provide a respectful way to say goodbye, but it also offers many benefits you may not have considered before.

29 May 2024

Understanding In-Home Pet Euthanasia Services


In-home pet euthanasia services are a specialized area of veterinary medicine that focuses on providing end-of-life care for pets in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes. This service aims to create a compassionate, peaceful, and dignified experience for both the pet and the family. The Process of In-Home Pet Euthanasia The process of in-home pet euthanasia is designed to ensure the utmost comfort for the pet. A veterinarian visits the home and administers medication to euthanize the pet peacefully.

18 September 2023

Is Your Older Cat Developing Small Bumps On Their Skin? Here's What You Need To Know About Sebaceous Cysts


If you have an older cat that's developing small bumps on their head, back, or face, the bumps may be sebaceous cysts. They're caused when a cat's hair follicles become blocked and trap oil underneath the skin, which causes inflammation. They're common in older cats, and they don't pose a serious health problem. However, a sebaceous cyst can be itchy, and your cat may rupture it if they scratch it. A ruptured sebaceous cyst can lead to infection, so a sebaceous cyst that's causing discomfort to your cat may need to be removed.

28 April 2023

3 Ways To Help Your Cat Avoid Hairballs


If a cat has an occasional hairball, that usually isn't usually a cause for concern, but frequent hairballs can cause obstructions and can be indicative of underlying health issues. For instance, some cats may overgroom and ingest more hair due to anxiety, infected anal glands, allergies, and flea infestations. If a cat has any digestive issues, then hairballs may not be able to work their way through the gastrointestinal tract; and in rare cases, a veterinarian may need to remove the obstruction with an endoscope.

10 January 2023

Why Spaying Your Female Pet Is Beneficial


If you are the caregiver to a female cat or dog, and she has not yet been spayed, you want to make an appointment to have this procedure done as soon as her veterinarian recommends it safe to do so. There are several benefits obtained when you have this surgery conducted for your pet. You Do Not Need To Worry About Kittens Or Puppies When a female pet is spayed, her reproductive organs are completely removed from her body.

3 October 2022

What Every Dog Owner Needs To Know About Anaplasmosis: Dog Tick Disease


One of the joys of having an active dog is going on outdoor adventures with them. But while Fido runs through grass and weeds, they can pick up some hijackers called ticks. Bites from ticks that are infected with bacteria can transfer the bacteria to your dog. This is how dogs get Lyme disease, but Lyme disease isn't the only tick-borne illness to worry about. Anaplasmosis is another tick-borne disease that can cause serious health risks for your four-legged companion.

29 June 2022

Want To Adopt A Rabbit? 3 Additional Vet Costs To Consider


Adopting a rabbit can be a better decision than adopting a dog or cat if you don't want some of the responsibilities that these pets can come with, but they still need quite a bit of care and more attention than you may have expected. If you've just begun the process of looking into adopting a rabbit, it's important that you look into their needs regarding going to the vet.

23 April 2018

Care Tips For Your Aging Dog


You've cared for your dog since he was just a pup, watched him grow into a full size playful dog, taught him and played with him for years - your dog is your family. Now your dog is aging, showing gray and probably moving a bit slower than before. Just because your pup is growing old doesn't mean you should care for him any less. If anything, he may need extra care.

9 March 2018

Frequent Hairballs? Your Cat May Have Pica Disorder


Hairballs aren't fun for cats or their owners, and frequent hairballs can leave both feeling distressed. Cats shouldn't have hairballs on a regular basis, especially if you regularly groom your cat. If your cat is still frequently producing hairballs, it might mean that your cat has a disorder called pica. Keep reading to learn more about this problem and what you can do to combat it. What is Pica Pica is an obsessive compulsive disorder where the sufferer feels the need to eat things that aren't food.

5 December 2017

Protecting Your Pet: What To Expect During Annual Check Ups For Your Dog


Just like humans, furry family members benefit from yearly wellness visits. Older dogs often require twice-yearly visits for closer monitoring. Most check ups are quick, but they can help you identify health problems early, which gives your dog the best possible outcome. Early diagnosis can also save you hundreds or thousands of dollars on treatments for conditions that are more expensive to treat as they advance, such as cancer.    

14 November 2017